Thursday, February 12, 2009

FEBRUARY 12, 2009

So, it's been a little while. I have joined facebook and it has consumed me with friends and family..:) Not sure if anyone comes to this site to view the pictures and to read about our lives. But, I promised David that I would continue to update. Everyone is doing well. David was in Canada last week and Nick is going to CA tomorrow for his school break. Jake is working hard at school.

Shower door for the basement is being installed as I type this note. We are very close to completition. Can't believe how much the little items - faucet for the bar, bathroom, lights etc. The carpet will come in a couple of months as this is a big expense and we need to cover about 1,400 square feet.

Have a great Valentine's! We are having about 4 couples over for a casual chinese dinner. We'll post pictures next week.