Friday, January 29, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

David in Chicago today. Sometimes I wish we had more family around so I could take little trips with my 'D.' Keeping busy with my crochet/knitting projects. I'm still struggling along with my Bella Mittens but I'm determined to finish them soon. We are all doing great at keeping up with the gym in the evenings. David even managed to take another 'strike' class. Very proud of everyone for keeping up with their activities!

Nick had a difficult time with his brackets this past week. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow and the next phase of the braces. Pasta and soft meatballs tomorrow night..:). Jake has a couple of parties this 3-day weekend so I'm not sure we'll get up to the mountains. It's chilly today and the snow is coming down in the mountains; hopefully it will be a better weekend for the snowboarders/skiiers. Here is a cute pic of Nick when he got his first phase of braces (camping with friends August 2007).

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Today is the day that I've decided to stop coloring my hair! This morning was my last trip to the salon. I'm so TIRED of coloring hair that keeps sprouting WHITE roots every 3 weeks. I don't even care if I end up being ugly. I told David that I'm just going back to being 'organic' or better known as the butter face. I even tried to convince the hair stylist to get me to a lighter/blonde due but she wasn't hearing me and came up with every excuse. I also tried the whole red look but she wasn't going to give me an inch. So, I finally told her that I wasn't going to color my hair anymore...she told me that she doesn't want to loose me as a customer but I think she already has. Can't wait for O.k. enough about me.

My poor Nick has begun the process of the 2nd phase of his braces. He had to get the little brackets on and during dinner the tears came rolling down his chubby cheeks..:(. I gave him advil and some mac & cheese but nothing seemed to cheer him up. I pray that it lets up tomorrow while he is at school. The actual braces go back on next Friday and I'm sure we'll experience another couple of days of sadness. Looking forward to Jake and his whole experience with the braces...NOT!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January 9, 2010

We had another nice weekend with the boys. Friday night Jake spent it with his friend Josh. Josh turned 9. I can't believe how big they are growing. They have been friends since Kindergarden. His brother, Nicholas came over our house and we treated both Nicks to the Hickory House here in Parker. Boy, can the boys eat..:). Of course, I don't get my beauty sleep when we have sleepovers b/c the boys typically are hooping and hollering with games, etc. I try my ear plugs but they just don't seem to work.

Saturday we took the boys to the Denver Art Museum. It was fun and a little comical at times to watch our boys point and giggle at the various statues/art of the human body. There was one piece of so called art where in each 'butt' cheek was a mom and dad. David thought this was referencing that our parents are pains in the I had to keep swapping away Jake's hand everytime he was pointing to boobies and the like. It was very educational to say the least...

Sunday we took the boys up to the mountains for snowboarding. I thought it was going to be much warmer but of course, I froze my little hands off. David being David bought me heater gloves which arrived on Monday this week. I can't wait to try them when we get back to the mountains. They immediately warmed my hands! Old age just sucks! I hope I don't have too much more to complain about as the years continue.

I'm keeping myself busy with trying to finish my dad's blanklet I promised him for x-mas - hoping to get it to him before his birthday in February. I am also working on another blanket for another family member. My poor wrist is feeling the pain in her joints..:(. When I can't do anything anymore, just put me in front of the window in a rocking I'm suppose to go to the yarn store tomorrow to finish these mittens I started a month ago...ugh! David continues to work hard and pressing forward with his job. He has begun a new project with making some shelves for the boys room. He did some back in AZ and I can't wait to see how they come out. Boys are busy with school and enjoying the gym with us. I've decided to go at night time so I can drag everyone to come with me. David took a strike class last night and did awesome! He was completely drenched by the time we were done. I hope he continues to come with me. It was alot of fun to do it together.