Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Nicky a.ka. Boo

14 years ago this beautiful boy blessed our home.  27 hours of labor and coming in 9 lbs. 3 oz.  Mom and Nick enjoyed a nice breakfast this morning at the Village Inn and then went for a little hike (he basically showed me the run he does at school during P.E. class).  I'm off to make a cheesecake and he is enjoying the day off (fall break this week from school) and daddy is going to make him some linguini and clams tonight for dinner.  In another couple of weeks he starts basketball which I'm really excited for because it will be in doors..:)  And, the new school has an awesome gym!  Nicky pulled it out with 4 A's and 3 B's this 1st quarter; I know he will continue to do well this year.  Happy Birthday Nicholas - I truly hope all your dreams come true.  xxoo Mommy dearest..hee hee